拡大《Paris Street Scene》

FUJITA Tsuguharu

《Paris Street Scene》

1918  Oil on canvas

©Fondation Foujita / ADAGP, Paris & JASPAR, Tokyo, 2024 C4565

Early in his time in France, Fujita Tsuguharu enjoyed painting lonely scenes on the outskirts of Paris, producing many landscapes in nearly monochromatic shades of gray. This work is exceptional in using rather bright colors and having a street scene as its subject, but its lonely atmosphere and depiction of people are characteristic of his early period landscapes. The motifs, including the Eiffel Tower, a subway entrance, and a s tall with large pieces of meat hanging from its roof, suggest that the subject was the market on Boulevard Edgar Quinet near the Montparnasse, where Fujita was then living.

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《Paris Street Scene》