
AOKI Shigeru


1905  Oil on canvas

This painting presents a scene from the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters). Onamuchi is tricked by his elder brothers and dies of burns. But the deity Kamimusubi no kami, hearing the prayers of his sorrowful mother, sends the goddesses Kisagai-hime and Umugi-hime, who mix a ground seashell powder with Umugi-hime’s own milk and coat Onamuchi’s body with it, restoring himto life. After overcoming other tribulations, he becomes the ruler of the land. Here the horizontal figure is Onamuchi, with Kisagai-hime on the left and Umugi-hime, holding her breast, on the right. Umugi-hime’s gaze forms a strong tie between the world of myth and ourselves.

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